March 18, 2019

How disable and enable the built-in demo mode feature

It is possible to generally disable demo mode. This is particularly useful to prevent the demo mode button to appear in case KLANG:apps are disconnected from KLANG hardware network. Users might click the button accidentally and not notice that they are now mixing the built-in demo song instead of their own in-ear mix.

To disable, go to ADMIN mode and log in to a KLANG:fabrik/KLANG:vier mix or the built in demo mode. Then, navigate to CONFIG > INFO > Set (button) > Advanced > DON’T show demo mode. Fully restart KLANG:app. Now the demo mode will not be listed in the CONNECT screen anymore.

To enable again, go to ADMIN mode and navigate to CONFIG > CONNECT. Press and hold the refresh ICON (circular arrow at the bottom) for 4 seconds.