Copy Mix Settings & Snapshot Recall Safes
If you only want to change channel naming but not the mixes etc. for other users, you have the possibility to only copy meta data by clicking on the Paste META to ALL users button.
If you want to copy a particular mix – including channel and group organization – go to a particular user’s mix. Click Copy from this user then move to another user and overwrite this user’s mix and channel organization by clicking Paste to this user.
Copy & Paste Functionality
Copy from this user
Copies ALL settings:
- Channel names, icons, color
- Channel Stereo linking
- Channel Activation
- Channel Order
- Group association
- Group names, icons, color
- Channel fader settings
- Channel position settings (stereo, 3D, i3D, orbit and height)
- Channel Solo/Mute
Does not copy Master Volume.
Please note: This copied information is not stored on the remote control device in the KLANG:app but in KLANG:fabrik/KLANG:vier in a clipboard. If another user clicks on this button from another remote app these new settings are stored in KLANG:fabrik/KLANG:vier instead.
Paste to this user
Switch to another user and paste all the just copied settings for this particular user and proceed.
(Copy THIS and) Paste THIS to ALL users
Without the need to click on Copy from this user first, you can copy ALL the same settings to ALL users with only one click. This might show very useful in frantic changeovers. Label all channels first, then get a quickly equalized mix. Copy this to all users and adapt from this point to the users’ monitoring needs.
Paste META to ALL users
Unlike the prior methods, this button allows you to just copy:
- Channel names, icons, color
- Channel Activation
- Channel Stereo linking
- Group names, icons, color
The following settings are not altered:
- Channel Order
- Group assignments
- Channel fader settings
- Channel position settings (stereo, 3D, i3D, orbit and height)
- Channel Solo/Mute
The preset and snapshot screen has been improved. Icons help to get a clear view what settings are currently applied. Commands for shows have a rectangular border around the icons. These commands are identical to former KOS versions. Icons for snapshots are surrounded by a circle.
User Recall Safe
Besides the existing Master Volume and Stage Mode options it is now possible to exclude entire mixes from snapshot commands. This is particularly useful in conjunction with the new personal monitoring mode, i.e. users that mix on their own.
Please note: The recall safe options are for snapshot recalls only. A preset recall will always overwrite all settings for all mixes.
Channel Recall Safe
Now you can exclude individual channels from snapshot recall commands. The channel number is used and the icon of the channel for the current user mix is shown in the back.
Please note: Stereo linking does not work with this feature. Hence you have to set both left and right channel to recall safe.
Fix-i3D Button
Even if you are not using KLANG:vektor but e.g. the iPads tracker, you have now a possibility to lock the objects on the outer orbit from spinning to place sound source more easily regardless of the orientation of the associated tracker.