Every successful studio production depends on happy musicians achieving the best possible takes, and a successful studio performance relies first and foremost on confident musicians playing in a relaxed and comfortable space. KLANG is the best tool to create the right environment.
Easy to integrate. Easy to operate.
Efficient workflows are key to the success of a studio. Time saved on dialling in the right monitor mixes is time added to the creative process. KLANG minimizes the effort required to deliver a perfect monitor mix, even providing solutions that enable musicians to mix themselves in an intuitive way. From simple overdubs to complex live recordings with multiple musicians, KLANG delivers the perfect monitoring on any scale.
KLANG:kontroller offers musicians an intuitive, tactile control over their mixes, removing distractions and allowing them to concentrate fully on their performance. Musicians – even when placed in different recording rooms feel completely connected: such is the quality and natural feel of KLANG’s immersive solution. By decreasing overall monitoring levels, KLANG can help to make hearing fatigue and damage a thing of the past.
Easy integration with DAW templates allows for quick daily setup, while the use of standard Ethernet on KLANG’s control surfaces make their integration into existing IT infrastructure quick and easy
“KLANG’s immersive in-ear mixing is a great tool and convinces with great sound and 3D-image. We at “Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien” (mdw) use the system for binaural AV-Production and as Monitor System for our Distance Learning-Projects.”
Thomas Lang
– Director of Audio-Video-Center at MDWProducts for the Studio
KLANG:kontroller delivers fast tactile user control of channels, groups and immersive mixing via an intuitive interface….
Learn more:vokal
Immersive IEM Processor with maximum flexibility and user friendliness for installations in HoW and Theater…
Learn more:quelle
KLANG:quelle is a 4 Channel Dante™ network headphone amp and a perfect complement to KLANG’s immersive processors….
Learn moreContact us here
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