November 17, 2022

What do the red or green icons above CONFIG stand for?

From left to right.

“C” stands for Clock

  • green: clock sync is OK.
  • red: there is a clock error

Change and monitor clock settings in CONFIG > ROUTING.

“N” stands for Network

  • green: Connection and ping time to KLANG processor OK
  • orange/yellow: some pings did not come through or the ping time is very long > Network problems or processor overload
  • red: connection to KLANG processor lost or communication too slow > check network settings and processor.

Take a look at CONFIG > INFO more details.


“D” indicator (DiGiCo console is Init Master) /
“K” (KLANG is Init Master) indicator above CONFIG /
“T” (Throttling is active) network messages are currently slowed down as there is a lot going on.

  • <No indicator>: Mixing Console Link Mode is set to OFF
  • Blinking Green: Mixing Console Link Mode is set to Setup
  • Static: Mixing Console Link Mode is set to Active
  • Blinking Red: Link Mode is set to Active but NO Mix or NO Channel Mappings are set.
  • RED: Console Link connection not working / lost connection
  • YELLOW: Console Link connection issues, loosing connection
  • GREEN: Console Link connection OK and working.

More info on the console integration