:app menu – CONFIG > INFO
The info screen provides insight on settings of your KLANG hardware, e.g. software and hardware version, serial number, device name and IP address.
On the bottom right corner you will find a list KLANG:app’s Local IPs. In the second line the UID of KLANG:app is shown followed by the version number and the app release date.
More useful statistics are shown to better indicate things to look at. The Net value shows the network control packet latency and packet losses can point to, e.g. network loop or misconfigured switch.
- DSP: DSP missed blocks. Should be zero. If not decrease sample rate or i/o config.
- FT: Audio filter errors.
- EC: Error Counter since Boot. Should be zero, but can eventually show an error. If it constantly increases contact support via this website.
- TEC: Total Error Counter over all boot cycles.
- BC: Number of boot cycles.
Collect Log Files
Where it used to be two different processes to gather log files and presets from KLANG hardware via USB export and email logs , K:a now collects all logs automatically. This includes all internal settings and presets of all KLANG hardware devices on the network and even all logs of other KLANG:apps on the network, go get a detailed overview of the system with one push of a button.
Go to CONFIG > INFO > Collect All Logs
While KLANG:app collects the logs, you have time to specify more information on your setup. Once ready, the button turns green. Click on Save Logs as ZIP and choose a file location.
Send this ZIP archive to the KLANG support team.
Older KOS/:app versions will show two buttons:

Copy Log to Email will transfer the main Log via network to KLANG:app and paste it to the clipboard and open an email with this content.
Copy Log to USB transfers the LOG to a USB drive and this also includes all presets/show files stored on the KLANG hardware (see below).
Advanced Features | Set Menu
Advanced features for pro users and IT experts only.
Go to CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu
Set Unit Name
By default the Unit Name equals the serial number of the device. KLANG:app alphabetically sorts devices based on the unit name.
Find out how to use the Unit Name to cascade units.
Enter a name and assign it to the unit by clicking on Set. Unset reverts the unit name to the serial number.
Set Fixed IP
We highly recommend to leave the IP settings to DHCP client only.
This will assign a second IP – which is fixed – (not the Dante Module but the 3D in-ear mixing server). The first IP will always stay on DHCP client, so you can access your unit even if you forgot your fixed IP address settings.
We highly recommend to leave the IP settings to DHCP client only.
Assign a fixed IP in the first line, e.g.
Subnet Mask in the second line. Make sure the subnet mask on all devices running KLANG:app and on the processor are EXACTLY the same. Otherwise the discovery of the processor will not work.
Default Gateway (GW) in the third line. (default: empty. Leave blank if not required, or the same as the IP but with a .1 in the end)

Factory Reset
This will delete all settings and presets stored on the unit. You need to enter the last digits of the serial number manually to avoid deleting all settings by accident.
Advanced Gain Structure
KLANG’s mixing engine uses floating point and hence cannot clip internally and the engine can by default handle gains above 0dB without any issues. In some cases the digital input signal is too low due to unbalanced gain structure in the mixing console. The new CONFIG > Set > Advanced > Max. Fader Gain +6dB option increases both the channel and the master fader range up to +6dB. This yields in a maximum digital gain benefit of +12 dB.
The setting Max. Fader Gain +10dB increases the channel gain limit to +10dB but the master volume is limited to 0dB. This is useful for the DiGiCo console link and will be activated automatically for the console link
The default can be restored by selecting Max. Fader Gain +0dB on all KLANG:apps
KOS Login Password
It is now possible to enter a KOS Login Password. Users need to know this password to connect to the processor in Show or Admin mode.
Customize :kontroller functionality
With 5.4 many more features of :kontroller can be activated and deactivated to offer the exact feature set required for the production via KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > SET [KKA-258]
Quick :kontroller Presets
Three quick presets offer a faster configuration of the most used :kontroller settings. Use 2nd/alt and click on the quick preset to broadcast this to all :kontrollers on the network.
- Only group mixing: disables all advanced banks except for the group bank. No preset menu is shown.
- Channel mixing with presets: Disables the groups bank and the config menu but offers local presets similar to old-fashioned personal monitor mixers.
- Full mixing access: Enables all features of :kontrollers and could be considered the admin mode. This is the default mode.
Customize :kontroller Behavior
[KKA-37] ktrl Disable Channel Edit
Show/hide Decibels Setting
In channel and group banks no dB values are shown, except when a value is currently being changed [KKA-382].
Switch dark…
Switch dark until touched, turns all LEDs and Displays (except for the last one) of :kontroller off. This is particular useful for theatres when the stage should be as dark as possible. With a push on any rotary button, the dark mode can be exited. [KKA-120]
In order to revert all :kontroller back to normal operation, use “Switch lights back on”.
[KKA-384] Channel config > Assign Group only shown when in admin mode and groups available
[KKA-339] IP address and version shown in ktrl connect screen when no KLANG processor found
[KKA-365] Show ktrl overlay, when OTA is in progress
[KKA-304] unified naming in ktrl audio settings
DON’T show demo mode
This will hide the demo mode from the Connect screen and prevent users to accidentally activate it during a show.
Reset error counters
Reset all error counters but leave all presets on the hardware.
Verbose Logging
Activate this function if requested by KLANG support.