
Williams Sound Hearing Hotspot™ And KLANG

The Hearing HotSpot™

Williams Sound’s Hearing HotSpot™ is a device that enables WiFi audio streams to mobile devices with a suitable latency for listeners. Only the Hearing HotSpot™ app is needed and available for iOS and Android. The Hearing HotSpot™ is available with Dante or analog inputs (16 stereo channels), which makes it to an ideal companion for headphone concerts.

More mixes, more use cases

Unlike in normal headphone concert situations, up to 16 stereo channels can be transmitted to the receiving devices. This offers different use cases. For example, the audience can listen to the monitor mixes of each band member. Another interesting use case is the idea of optimizing the FOH mix for different common headphones. With 16 streams it is also possible to stream different mixes to the local crew for internal communication during the show.

Setup for headphone concerts

As shown in the connection diagram above, the output mixes from KLANG:fabrik are routed to the Hearing HotSpot™ via Dante. On the backside of the device are 4 different Ethernet RJ-45 sockets. The first from left to right is for the WiFi Access Point. The second/third RJ-45 socket is for Dante and the fourth is supposed for internet (WAN) connection, which is needed for updating downloadable content on the device.

Afterwards the Dante streams can be connected with Dante Controller from KLANG:fabrik to Hearing HotSpot™. Normally that is all you need to do, if your Hearing HotSpot™ Server is already configured for Dante use.

Make sure to wire up all connections properly before switching the Hearing Hotspot on and check if your WiFi router is suitable for streaming audio, especially when it comes to multicast streams. Williams Sound recommends the Ruckus 500, which worked fine with our setup.

Connect iOS/Android device to listen to

Go to the Wi-Fi settings of your smartphone and connect to the access point router, which is streaming the audio signals.

Open Hearing Hotspot app and choose a stream you want to listen to.

Additional content inside the Hearing Hotspot app

As you can see in the screenshots above it is possible to set a ticker who is rotating at the bottom of the application or to upload different ‘Banners’ with 500x500pixels. It is also possible to set different screen lock images, coupons (for free drinks or special merchandise), menu cards (interesting for the local venues), PDFs and personalized app backgrounds.

Configure app content

Williams Sound created a web interface to upload content on your Hearing HotSpot™:

The content you upload there syncs with your Hearing HotSpot™ every 10 minutes, if WAN Ethernet port (4) has a connection to the internet.

Channel labels:

Change and add banners:

Troubleshoot Hearing Hotspot as Integrator

On the Hearing Hotspot are also two USB ports and a VGA out to log in to the operation system as integrator. After the login you can check the Dante Virtual Soundcard running on the Hearing Hotspot or troubleshoot with the ‘Hearing Hotspot Audio Settings’ tool.

Under ‘Advanced’ you can also press ‘Refresh Downloadable Content’ to update labels, images etc. manually.

Check the WiFi around you:

For Windows Acrylic WiFi Scan, or if you are a Mac user – NetSpotApp are some really powerfull tools, even in the free version, to check your own AccesPoint Wifi.

If you like to use the Hearing Hotspot feel free to contact Williams Sound. Thanks to the German partner MediasPro for your help testing the Hearing HotSpot!

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